
Apply To Bali Kiddy

Admissions >How to Apply to Bali Kiddy

Detail About How To Apply

SEKOLAH BALI KIDDY is operated as a public school. We accept students from any religion, race, and nationality. The school accepts admission through the academic year when seats are still available. Parents along with the children are invited to meet observer and the students are accepted when their academic, social and emotional needs can be provided by the school programs.

SEKOLAH BALI KIDDY ialah sekolah umum, sekolah yang menerima siswa dari berbagai agama dan kewarganegaraan. Pendaftaran dibuka setiap saat. Orangtua dan calon siswa dapat menjadwalkan untuk observasi dan calon siswa akan diterima bilamana sesuai dengan program yang tersedia.

Admission opens to all Indonesian and expatriates.

SEKOLAH BALI KIDDY dapat menerima pendaftaran baik anak-anak Indonesia maupun anak-anak ekspatriat.

Required documents for registration :

Dokumen yang diperlukan untuk melakukan pendaftaran :

  • Application Form (provided by school)
  • Student's birth certificate
    Adoption document for adopted student
  • Parents ID Cards
  • Family Card
  • Photocopy of visa and KITAS/KIMS (expatriate only)
  • Photocopy of Passport (expatriate only)
  • Copy of previous school reports (for last school)

Waiting List


In the event that a year group is already full when a registration is completed, the student will be placed on a waiting list.

Bilamana kelas sudah penuh, calon siswa akan ditempatkan dalam waiting list dengan tetap melakukan proses pembayaran biaya sekolah sesuai ketentuan.


The date the parents settle the payment is affecting the child position on the waiting list.

Waktu orangtua melakukan pembayaran mempengaruhi posisi anak dalam waiting list.


When it comes to the prescribed limit that the seat is not available, then the paid Registration Fee will be refundable.

Bilamana masa tunggu yang telah disepakati, dan belum tersedia tempat, maka biaya yang sudah dibayarkan akan dikembalikan.


The school gives priority in the waiting list for the child whose sibling is presently joining in the school.

Sekolah akan memberikan prioritas dalam waiting list, bagi anak yang memiliki saudara yang sudah bersekolah di SEKOLAH BALI KIDDY.


Upon notification of a place being available, the student at the top of the waiting list will be offered that place. If the offer cannot be accepted, it will be offered directly to the next person on the waiting list.

Ketika tersedia tempat, anak yang berada pada urutan teratas dalam waiting list akan ditawarkan pertama kali. Bila anak pertama tidak menerima, tempat akan ditawarkan pada anak dalam waiting list berikutnya